What is The Best Course to Study in France? Complete Guide


France, with its achievements in history, art, and cuisine, is equally famous for its educational systems worldwide. For students planning to study in France, the country provides various programs in different fields. France has everything to offer regardless of one’s interest in arts, sciences, business, or technology. Which course should one take, given there are so many to choose? 

This guide will focus on the best courses in France, highlighting top universities, job opportunities, and why these courses stand out.

Why Study in France?

Before exploring the best courses in France, let’s explore why international students should consider pursuing a degree there. France is internationally recognized for its education system, which features some of the best universities, including Montpellier Business School, Sorbonne University, Sciences Po, and École Polytechnique. The country is also a pioneer in research and innovation, especially in engineering, technology, and the arts. Further, pursuing an education in France will provide the advantage of immersing yourself in French culture and language, which can be crucial in the contemporary global job market.

Key Considerations for Picking a Course

When deciding on a course to study in France, consider the following factors:

  • Career Goals: What are your long-term career aspirations? Choose a course that aligns with your professional goals.
  • University Reputation: Research the universities offering your desired course and consider their global ranking and reputation.
  • Language of Instruction: While many courses are offered in English, some are in French. Consider your language proficiency or willingness to learn French.
  • Location: France offers a variety of study environments, from bustling cities like Paris to quieter towns like Grenoble.
  • Cost: Consider the tuition fees and living costs in the university’s city. 
  • IELTS Requirement: IELTS is generally required for English-taught programs in France, but some universities may accept alternative tests or waive the requirement for specific conditions.
  • Scholarship Options: France offers scholarships like the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship, Erasmus+, and regional grants, helping international students across various fields of study.
  • Most Importantly: Enhance your employability in France by opting for courses in high-demand sectors like technology, engineering, or business at top institutions to enhance your job prospects post-graduation.

Top Academic Programs in France

1. Business and Management

Top Universities:

  • Montpellier Business School
  • ESSEC Business School

France is endowed with some of the best business schools in the world. Montpellier Business School and INSEAD, in particular, are often ranked among the best in global business school rankings. Pursuing a business degree from these institutions can lead to positions in fields such as finance, consulting, entrepreneurship, and international business. Such programs frequently include internships and networking opportunities, giving students a competitive edge in the job market.

2. Engineering and Technology

Top Universities:

  • École Polytechnique
  • CentraleSupélec
  • Université Grenoble Alpes

France is an engineering and technology education leader, with some of the best schools, such as École Polytechnique and CentraleSupélec, at the forefront. These institutions provide courses in various areas, such as aerospace engineering, artificial intelligence, and renewable energy. Holders of these degrees are highly sought after locally and internationally, owing to the country’s emphasis on research and innovation.

3. Arts and Design

Top Universities:

  • École des Beaux-Arts
  • Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • Institut Français de la Mode

For art lovers and creative geniuses, France has some of the best schools in arts and design. Several higher learning institutions like the École des Beaux-Arts and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne have established world-renowned artists and have offered art education for many years. However, if one dreams of becoming a fashion designer, then Institut Français de la Mode is a perfect place. These courses focus more on fantasy, creativity, critical thinking, and practicability in art, fashion, and design fields.

4. Political Science and International Relations

Top Universities:

  • Université de Strasbourg
  • Sciences Po
  • Université Paris-Dauphine

These universities are renowned for offering global-quality political science and international relations programs. These universities’ organization and focus is interdisciplinary education, combining political science, law, economics, and history components. Career prospects for graduates include working in diplomacy, international organizations, and public administration. The program is particularly suitable for students who want to engage in international relations since the program has an inclination toward the global market and has a strong affiliation with students with the same ideologies as that of the program.

5. Hospitality and Tourism Management

Top Universities:

  • Institut Paul Bocuse
  • École Hôtelière de Lausanne (France campus)
  • Vatel Hotel & Tourism Business School

Due to its popularity as a tourist destination, the hospitality and tourism management concept in France serves as a relevant learning model. Institut Paul Bocuse and Vatel offer academic courses that combine academic learning with hands-on training. Through profiles, students learn hospitality management, culinary arts, and tourism, which makes them capable of occupying higher positions in international hotel industries.

6. Law

Top Universities:

  • Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas
  • Université de Bordeaux
  • Université Toulouse 1 Capitole

France also boasts of having one of the best legal systems as far as law schools are concerned. Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas specializes in law education and is renowned for providing extensive legal education in French, European, and international law. A law degree from France makes students eligible to practice law, teach in universities, or work in international organizations.

7. Environmental Science and Sustainability

Top Universities:

  • AgroParisTech
  • Université de Montpellier
  • Université Grenoble Alpes

With increasing global environmental issues, there is a need for qualified professionals in environmental science and sustainability. The most renowned education programs in this field are in France, with AgroParisTech and Université de Montpellier leading the list. These programs include climate change, biodiversity, and sustainable development programs, which are important in training students to tackle some pressing environmental challenges.

Conclusion: Making the Right Choice

Choosing the best course to study in France depends on the candidate’s interests and career aspirations. Whether you are an adventurous spirit, who dreams of the workings of a business environment, a technological innovator, or a creative mind engaged in the arcane recesses of art, France has a program to match your aspirations. 

Consider the points outlined above, consult regarding the universities listed above, and enroll in a course that will help you meet your future career goals. Choosing France as a place to study can be one of the best decisions a student can make in his or her life, which, in turn, sets the stage for a successful and fulfilling career.


  • What are the most popular courses to study in France?

Business, engineering, arts, and political science are among the most popular courses in France.

  • Do I need to speak French to study in France?

While many courses are offered in English, learning French can enhance your experience and job prospects.

  • What is the best business school in France?

HEC Paris, Montpellier Business School, and INSEAD are considered the best business schools in France.

  • Can I work while studying in France?

Yes, international students can work part-time during their studies.

  • How much does it cost to study in France?

Tuition fees vary by program and university, with public universities being more affordable than private institutions but there are programs available with private institutions which are affordable too.

  • What is the best city in France for international students?

Paris is the most popular, but cities like Lyon and Grenoble are also great for students.

  • Are there scholarships available for international students in France?

Yes, several scholarships are available, including the Eiffel Scholarship and Erasmus.

  • Which French universities are best for engineering?

École Polytechnique and CentraleSupélec are top choices for engineering.

  • Is France a good place to study arts and design?

Absolutely, with institutions like École des Beaux-Arts and Institut Français de la Mode leading in arts and design education.

  • What are the job prospects after studying in France?

France has strong job markets in business, engineering, arts, and international relations, especially for graduates from top institutions.