How To Get Scholarship To Study Abroad After 12th From Pakistan

how to get scholarship to study abroad after 12th from pakistan

How to Get A Scholarship to Study Abroad After 12th From Pakistan

For Pakistani students, going to study abroad after finishing high school is a big dream. But money can be a big problem. Studying in another country can cost a lot, so many students want to find ways to study for free or at a low cost after 12th grade. However, there are scholarships for undergraduate programs that can make this dream come true. Getting these scholarships might take a lot of effort and time, but many students have done it before. With hard work and the right approach, Pakistani students can make their dream of studying abroad come true, opening up new opportunities and making their future brighter.

Importance of Scholarships For Pakistani Students

Scholarships are essential for Pakistani students seeking to study abroad after the 12th grade. They alleviate the financial burden of international education, making it accessible to students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. Additionally, scholarships recognise academic excellence, leadership potential, and extracurricular achievements, motivating students to excel in their pursuits.

Key Factors that Could Assist Students in Pursuing Education Abroad

If you’re aiming to study abroad without worrying about the cost, here are some critical steps to consider:

  1. Ace an English proficiency test like IELTS or TOEFL. Doing well in these exams opens doors to scholarships and admission to top universities.
  2. Score high in GRE and GMAT exams. Good marks in these tests further increase your chances of securing scholarships.
  3. Opt for a country with lower living expenses. Choosing a destination with affordable living costs can ease financial burdens.
  4. Select a course relevant to your previous studies. This enhances your chances of getting a student visa and increases your scholarship eligibility.

Way to Study Abroad After 12th For Free

Students must consider some crucial factors for admission to a foreign university.

Country Selection

For students aiming for quality education without breaking the bank, picking the right country is key. Before choosing a specific university, selecting the right country to study in is important. Opting for a lower-cost country can help students manage their finances better. Countries like Austria, Germany, Turkey, Italy, and Norway offer excellent education systems at affordable rates, making them ideal choices for Pakistani students after completing their 12th grade.

University/College Selection

Once you’ve chosen the country, the next step is picking the right college or university. When making this decision, it’s crucial to pay attention to factors like scholarships, available courses, and the fee structure. With both private and public universities to choose from, it’s wise for students to opt for public universities. Private university fees are expensive and may only be affordable for some students.

Researching Scholarship Opportunities

Another step in securing a scholarship to study abroad is thorough research. Students should explore various scholarship programs offered by universities, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private foundations. Websites like Fulbright, Chevening, and Commonwealth Scholarships are valuable resources for Pakistani students seeking financial assistance for their studies abroad.

Understanding Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

Each scholarship program has its own set of eligibility criteria, which may include academic performance, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, community service, and financial need. It’s essential for students to carefully review the requirements and ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria before applying.

Tips For Writing A Compelling Scholarship Application

Writing a compelling scholarship application requires careful planning and attention to detail. Students should highlight their academic achievements, leadership skills, personal qualities, and career goals in their application essays. It’s important to tailor the application to the specific requirements of each scholarship program and demonstrate why they deserve the award.

Crafting An Impressive Personal Statement

The personal statement is a crucial component of the scholarship application, allowing students to showcase their unique strengths and experiences. It should provide insight into their academic journey, personal challenges, aspirations, and passion for their chosen field. A well-crafted personal statement can make a compelling case for why a student deserves the scholarship.

Securing A Strong Recommendation Letter

Letters of recommendation are crucial for getting scholarships as they offer a glimpse into a student’s character, academic prowess, and future potential. It’s essential for students to pick recommenders who are familiar with them and can highlight their strengths and achievements. Giving recommenders enough time and details to craft personalized letters is key for a successful application.

Navigating the Application Process

Navigating the scholarship application process can be overwhelming, with multiple deadlines, requirements, and documents to manage. Students should create a timeline and checklist to stay organized and ensure that they submit their applications on time. It’s also helpful to seek guidance from teachers, counsellors, and mentors throughout the process.

Preparing For Scholarship Interviews

Some scholarship programs may include interviews as part of their selection process. To ace these interviews, students need to be well-prepared. This involves researching the scholarship organization, practising common interview questions, and effectively communicating their goals and accomplishments. It’s vital to convey genuine passion and enthusiasm during the interview and to be authentic in sharing one’s experiences and aspirations.

Handling Rejection and Staying Motivated

Rejection is a natural part of the scholarship application process, and students need to handle it gracefully and stay motivated. Instead of dwelling on rejection, students should use it as an opportunity for growth and self-reflection. They can seek feedback from scholarship committees, identify areas for improvement, and continue pursuing other scholarship opportunities.

Alternative Funding Options

In addition to scholarships, other funding options are available to Pakistani students seeking to study abroad after the 12th grade. These include student loans, grants, sponsorships, and part-time work opportunities. Students should explore all available options and develop a comprehensive financial plan to support their education abroad.

Seeking Guidance from Educational Consultants

Educational consultants can provide valuable guidance and support to Pakistani students navigating the complex process of studying abroad. They can help students identify suitable universities, scholarship opportunities, and visa requirements. Additionally, consultants can assist with application preparation, essay writing, and interview coaching, increasing the likelihood of success.

Importance of Maintaining Academic Excellence

Maintaining academic excellence is crucial for Pakistani students aspiring to study abroad on a scholarship. Scholarship programs often have minimum GPA requirements, and students must demonstrate their ability to succeed in a rigorous academic environment. Students can enhance their chances of securing scholarships by prioritizing their studies and striving for excellence.

Celebrating Success and Sharing Experiences

Securing a scholarship to study abroad is a significant achievement worthy of celebration. Pakistani students should take pride in their accomplishments and share their experiences with others. By serving as role models and ambassadors, they can inspire future generations of students to pursue their dreams of studying abroad.


Securing a scholarship to study abroad after the 12th grade from Pakistan is a challenging but rewarding endeavour. By conducting thorough research, crafting compelling applications, and seeking guidance when needed, Pakistani students can increase their chances of success. Scholarships open doors to new opportunities, allowing students to pursue their academic and career aspirations internationally.